Rabu, 29 April 2009


Love Myspace Comments


Broken Heart Myspace Comments

Selasa, 28 April 2009

are im stylish?

You Are Super Stylish
You've got style, no doubt about it. You always look your best.
You are on top of trends, and you carefully pick what works for you.

You dress for the occasion, and you never wear anything inappropriate.
You only own the best clothing and accessories. You know how to make an impression.

what age i will die?

You Will Die at Age 79
You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...
And how you'll die as well.

what decade diva are me?

You Are a 1950s Diva

High heels, pretty dresses, classic makeup...

You're a feminine beauty who knows how to play up her assets!

what kind of sandal are me?

You Are Glass Sandals

Dramatic and unique

You're sure to be wearing something no one else is

And you're not telling anyone where you bought it!

what guys like about me?

Guys Like That You're Sensitive

And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way

You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to

Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets

No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships!

hIdDeN tAlEnT

Your Hidden Talent is Your Magnetism
You have the power to persuade and influence others.
You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around.
The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it.
Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think!


You Are Honest
You are pure, moral, and adaptable.
You tend to blend into your surroundings.
Shy on the outside, you're outspoken to your friends.

You believe that you live a virtuous life...
And you tend to judge others with a harsh eye.
As a result, people tend to crave your approval.

mY fEeT sAy

Your feet say You're Slightly Stubborn
You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to.

You are a very passionate person. You are highly charged and easily inspired.

You are an assertive person at times. You'll pull out all the stops to get what you want, if it's worth it.

You take a while to fall in love, but once you do, you stay pretty attached to your partner.

You are not afraid of anything. You are brave and courageous, even when most people would be terrified.

You are intellectual and philosophical. You are more concerned with thoughts than action.

You are a fairly hard worker, but you are also a little spoiled. You like indulge yourself every now and then.

You are not easily influenced by other people. You hold your ground and are true to your beliefs.

My HaIrStYlE

You Are a Mullet
You are a total character. You're quirky, unique, and there's no one quite like you.
Your idea of style is doing your own thing and defying expectations. You're eclectic.

At your best, you are funny, observant, and a bit sarcastic. You see life's ironies clearly.
At your worst, you are a bit weird and creepy. People sometimes take you the wrong way.

My NaMe

You Are Smart and Curious

You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.

You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.

People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.

You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.

You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.

You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.

Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.

You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.

You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

Isnin, 27 April 2009

Animated Pictures Myspace Comments


Sejak kebelakangan ni..aku slalu sangat menari...macam-macam tarian yang aku buat sampai keluarga aku pun rasa pelik..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments..huh` mungkin aku jangkit penyakit abang aku kot..dia suka sangat menari..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
nampaknya sekarang ni aku n my bro dah kena panyakit yang sama..Animated Pictures Myspace CommentsAnimated Pictures Myspace Comments

My CoLlEcTiOn..SuBaNg/AnTinG-aNtInG..

This is koleksi subangku..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

ThInKInG oF yOu..

Setiap masa aku memikirkan mu..Thinking Of You Myspace Comments
Aku selalu merindukan mu..tidurku selalu mimpikan mu..Thinking Of You Myspace Comments
Aku berharap kau selalu memikirkan aku..kerna aku selalu memikirkan mu..Aku rindu sama kamu semua teman-temanku..dah lama kita tak jumpaThinking Of You Myspace Comments

Ahad, 26 April 2009

ChOcOlAtE.. n iCe-CrEaM

Aku ada masalah besar sekarang ni..aku adalah penagih..bukan penagih dadah la...penagih coklat..i love CHOCOLATE very much..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
Rasa macam nak makan coklat setiap masa.. Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

Dan sekarang berat badanku dah naik...ARRGHH!!Misi aku sekarang ni adalah untuk menguruskan badan..Aku bukan sahaja penagih coklat..tapi aku juga penagih ais -krim..ais-krim coklat..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
huh`..besar sungguh masalah aku..Aku mesti kembalikan badanku ke bentuk asal..aku akan selalu bersenam..Animated Pictures Myspace CommentsI like semua jenis air kecuali yang tak halal n tak sedap..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments


Aku sering ketiduran dalam kelas waktu cikgu sedang mengajar..bosan sangat...bukannya faham pun apa yg cikgu tu terangkan..tak faham pun apa yang tengah dia bebelkan..huh`...cikgu tu cakap laju sangat macam keretapi..tapi macam mana semua teman-temanku boleh faham..mungkin aku je kot yang tak faham..hurm..
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

bArAnG kEsAyAnGaNkU..

Animated Pictures Myspace Comments

My FaVoUrItE dOlL..

mY kAwAi ThInGs..

I lOvE kAwAi ThInGs..Animated Pictures Myspace Comments